What makes a good webmaster?

Webmaster Resources | on Apr. 19, 2011 | by 0 Comments

A webmaster is an indispensable force in web server maintenance. They are tasked with the very important task of keeping a website up and running and making sure that any complexities that arise along the way are handled in a professional way. It’s hard to highlight the chief duties of a webmaster, mostly because what they do is diverse, and dependent on the project that they are working on. In this case though, it will be considered that a webmaster does most of job that falls under the field. To be able to do their job well, some training is needed. There is a skill set that every webmaster must have if they are to excel in their responsibilities.

First of all, they need to have an in-depth knowledge in the coding language that is HTML. This is actually a necessity for every webmaster regardless of the specific project that they are working on. HTML is the language that most websites are set up in, and understanding it is therefore primarily important. It’s the universal language that is interpreted by browsers, and this makes it rather important, even as far as developing a website is concerned. Since different end consumers use different browsers, it’s important to make sure that the site developed will be ‘readable’ using the different browsers. HTML is like the standard used, and therefore a webmaster not only needs to learn it, but also have a deep understanding of its components.

Programming is something a webmaster will be expected to do. While there are many programming languages available in the market at the moment, C Programming is the most preferred. It has a greater outreach amongst programmers and webmasters alike, and that is why it is placed on top of the list. Perl is equally used, and a webmaster is considered good enough if they have an understanding of any of the aforementioned programming languages- or any other for that matter.

Graphic design is not something a webmaster does on a regular basis, and that’s mostly because there are individuals who specialize in it. Regardless, a webmaster is deemed more marketable if they area able to understand different graphic design abilities. An understanding of scripting language is something they should also have. Some of these are JavaScript and Flash. They should also be able to understand configuration specifics, mostly because these are used in server maintenance.

If the webmaster is expected to run marketing campaigns or develop website content, then having a writing ability is important. They could of course get a professional content developer, but outsourcing is not necessary when the amount of content to be developed is not too great.

These are some of the skills that a good webmaster should have. The list goes on, and the more skills you have, the better you get at your job. The webmaster’s job is a rewarding one, especially when you understand how everything works, and can carry out the necessary procedures to correct any faults, or improve on a site’s accessibility characteristics.

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