Add something extra to your design with vectors

Articles, Concept, Guide, Tips, Web Design | on Oct. 14, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Vector packs are add-ons to make your graphic designs more beautiful and appealing. Vector pack elements can be used by themselves too but they are more commonly used to enhance other original designs. Vector packs are used by both beginners and expert level graphic designers. The whole idea of vector packs is to use vector shapes to create and enhance designs using vector shapes. By vector shapes we mean using points, curves and lines to form shapes.

These shapes can be customized by the user and stored in a library or framework of shapes to use later. These images lend themselves to scalability of a high level right from huge adverts on billboards right down to small logos on T-shirts. So people who design regularly make a lot of images and access these images quickly when they have a tight deadline to work with.

How to use vector files

Vector shapes usually come in read packs or files which may cause a little problem to open. Vector files can be opened with Adobe illustrator or with updated versions of CorelDraw. However, outdated versions are unable to support opening of vector files. Then you can begin using it by playing with the tools provided in the pack. You can select your piece by clicking on it and copying it.

Then paste it where you like on your design. Select the pieces that work the best with your design. The artist’s skill comes into play here to choose which combination of elements will make his design aesthetically flow. Radials provided in the pack can be used as fillers.

You can also ad more elements to your design and arrange them as you please. This customizable utility and flexibility of vector packs makes them invaluable to budding designers and professionals alike. The only problem most users face is that they think they have to simply install a vector and it will run. It does not work quite in that manner. You have to have design software already installed, and then you can add vector packs as and add-on.

Vector packs add flow and creativity to your design. So it’s obvious that all designers must look out for good deals for vector packs. Some offers come on for a very brief period and must be taken advantage of immediately. Nowadays, no design is considered complete without vectors and icons.



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