Copywriting Problems That Can Ruin a Website

Web Design | on Jul. 04, 2011 | by 0 Comments

It does not matter how well designed your company’s website is, the text on your page can really ruin things and lose your sales. When it comes down to it, the writing on your page is what can convert hits into cash. If you are making a new website, your content must be as solid as your programming and design is.

The errors that are discussed in this article can really destroy a great website. There are many ways that you can go wrong when writing copy for the web. If you can identify the places where you might go wrong, you are able to avoid these pit falls and write copy that really converts.

Some sites are created with great attention to detail, until it is time to write the content. Often this is left as an afterthought and people do not realize how bad this can be for a site.

Inward writing

Spending all of your time sitting in front of a computer screen, working on your designs, can really affect the way that you communicate. After spending a long time working on a product, you might start to believe that it is the best thing in the world. You want to share your wonderful products with everyone, but you have to realise that they might not care as much as you do. People are probably too busy looking for ways to make their own lives better and easier. When visitors are looking at your website, they will be asking the question “what is in it for me?”

In order to write a good product page, you have to focus on the benefits that the product holds. Rather than focusing on every little feature, you have to deal with the experience that someone can have if they make a purchase. As an example, we will discuss a website for a packaging machine. The key feature is that it can do up to 100 cycles per minute. The benefit of this feature is a faster production time. What is the experience? If you can prepare and ship out your goods at a faster rate, you will be able to blow the competition away and make more money. Rather than simply focusing on what the machine does, you have to focus on how it can help people and what they will gain from using it. Many web pages for this type of product will focus mainly on the features, forgetting to remind the visitor why it can help them.

You should give yourself a limited number of words to use for writing copy. This will force you to only add things, which are important, and it will not bore the reader. People do not want to come to a page and be greeted by massive blocks of text, which they have to wade through.

If you focus on the experience instead of just features, you will have to really think about the target audience. Knowing who you are writing for will help you to write appropriate content that connects with the user.

Feature image

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