Your Design is Flawless – Prove It

Web Design | on Jun. 26, 2011 | by 0 Comments

You were hired for the job, you have worked hard on it, the project is complete, and now the client wants changes.  The changes they want, will not work with the design, and are not necessary, in your opinion.  Now you have to assure them that the design is flawless.  Is this possible and will you still be able to have a productive work relationship?

I am sure at one point; you have come across this situation, or will in the future.  This could potentially cause a rift in your business relationship.  Thankfully, there are ways to deal with the situation successfully.   You can assure them that the design is flawless, by following these suggestions.

Designer vs. Business Person

You and your client begin your relationship with different way of seeing things.  Your client is involved in business and you are an artist.  You have to find a way to get your point across in a manner that communicates on their level.   The main thing they are concerned about is making money from your design.

Diplomacy and Communication

If there ever is a time to be diplomatic, this is it.  You need to listen to what they are saying and respond accordingly.  Make sure that they know you understand how they feel when you direct your responses.  It is really important to keep the lines of communication open.

You are the expert, but Watch Your Tone

You are the expert.  You are dealing with someone who probably does not understand anything about the process of web design.  You need to be diplomatic when you talk.  You don’t want to come across condescending.  Due to the nature of your discussion, you may not even realize that your tone is making the client feel unintelligent.

Show Enthusiasm

Your client is enthusiastic about the website.  Showing your enthusiasm will ease their mind that you are generally concerned about them and their business.

Explain and Demonstrate

All of the suggestions below involve a physical demonstration of each point, if it assists with the explanation.

Explain to them how the design follows the instructions that they gave you at the beginning of the project.
Show them the functionality of the website in detail.  Discuss, if necessary, the process of how the design was set up in the manner it was.  Always keep in mind that they probably don’t understand exactly what you are telling them, because of the technical aspects.
Let them see how functional it is for the client.  As a business person they want to see the results. Show them how the design will be profitable.
Explain how their changes will be detrimental.

You know that your design is flawless; your job now is to get your client to agree with you.  Stay calm and do not take it personally.  They are not saying that you are not functional; they only feel that the website may not be.  They don’t understand the process and their suggestions may be impossible to perform and to keep the caliber of the design intact.  If you try any or all of the suggestions above, you will be successful at diffusing the situation to a successful end.

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