Features You May Want For Your Site

Webmaster Resources | on Apr. 28, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Web development is the intricate process of designing everything that you want to see in your site. This means creating any applications that you may want for your site. These can be put into all kinds of uses, depending on the details of each application. For instance, WordPress enables your site to have a blog. Tools such as Java enabled the running of animations, and Flash enables playing of videos on your site. You have to be specific about the features that you want your website to have. These are then communicated to the web developer, who can then create and integrate them into their site. Though you might want to consider the kind of site that you are developing, and its purpose, there are some features that are necessary for any website.

The first is a search tool. This accepts queries, posted by a user, and scans through the site, giving any result that might be related to the query typed. The search tool is a simple yet functional addition that helps visitors find content on your site far more easily. Its importance increases as the amount of content you have in your site increases. Advanced ones have an auto-complete function, where they make suggestions based on the combination of letters typed in. Said suggestions are presented in a list format below the search box, offering scrolling ability for the user to find what they are looking for faster.

If you have used a lot of images in your site for whatever reason, it might be a good idea to offer image enlargement options. Zooming is important when a user wants to see an image in greater detail. With JavaScript, you can enable the feature without necessarily having to redirect the user to another page. The image is typically zoomed in real time, on the same page, with an option to close it after there is viewing satisfaction. It is important to ensure that the enlarged images present the same amount of resolution and contrast, and not appear blurry or unappealing afterwards. You may offer a slideshow as well, when you have a lot of images to show, and want to present the end user with the convenience of sampling them all.

If you want your website to be interactive, you can add rating scripts. These allow you to be able to understand what your visitors like or don’t like. The ratings can be in form of stars, or sliders that are adjoined to a numerical bar. When you want to retain the highest form of simplicity, you could simply include ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ options. For entertainment websites, audio and video players are a necessity. Providing links is not enough, as they do not provide the user with the satisfaction that they want. The only thing to ensure is that their inclusion does not drastically reduce the loading time of your site, as this will turn visitors off. Getting enough bandwidth space can fix such kind of a problem.

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