All you need to know about SEO

Articles, Concept, Guide, Tips | on Oct. 12, 2011 | by 0 Comments

SEO is Search Engine Optimization. For every topic there is huge amount of information available on the web on hundreds of websites. So how do some sites make it to top pages, top ranks on search engine listings? The answer is by employing SEO techniques. On Google search results page, people usually check out the top hit or if they are not satisfied they may check out a few links from page 1. So, in most cases people don’t even check out page 2 results. To drive traffic to your website, to make your website more visible and to make it appear on top lists in top search engines, the content on the website has to be modified in a certain way. The technique to drive more traffic to your website by making your website search engine friendly is called Search Engine Optimization.

3 Techniques to get top ranks in search engine listings:

1. Use Google keywords tool. Very handy and easy to use feature to find out what search keywords are being used mostly. It gives the numbers and also provides location wise results. Try to inculcate those words in the content in your website.

2. Another task which is a little tiresome is to invest time and effort in link building and link creation. The more the links to your website, the higher rank it gets in search engines.

3. You might have noticed that there are at least one or two Facebook or twitter links coming up on the first page of search result. Hence, we need to make extensive use of Social Media and video marketing services to leverage traffic to our website.
So how do we create SEO content?
There is a sudden, huge demand for SEO writers, content writers and web developers these days, because these are the people majorly responsible for the success of your website.

Along with main content on the website, Search Engine algorithms track tags, hyperlinks, keywords, meta-tags, social media and link building. Therefore it is necessary to incorporate relevant keywords in all places from title to content.

Some tips for writing SEO content:

1. Use keywords, but never overuse. And use only those that are truly relevant to your website.

2. Most web surfers use common language and simple words in their searches. Therefore, make it a point to keep language of your content simple and easy to understand.

3. You need to keep updating the content according to the new keywords. Adding fresh content regularly automatically drives more traffic to your website.

SEO tracking software:

There are some software programs designed to help you in better implementation of SEO techniques. Use a software which can keep a track of overall website traffic along with traffic for different pages. We can use these results which are displayed in line chart forms in conversions, to drive more traffic to less popular pages on the website. Or we can know what is popular with users by finding out the most visited pages and hence tailor our content accordingly.
Some software also gives suggestions. But the traffic results they provide should be enough for you to make decisions accordingly.





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