The Main Differences Between Design and Art

Articles, Guide | on Sep. 12, 2011 | by 0 Comments

An attractive and compelling website has little to do with a good web design. A website is where users are in quest of an enhanced user-experience and design and aesthetics are secondary in importance to the actual purpose of the web page.

A web designer cannot offer to be content with a good looking design without considering the users and what they need the website to provide them with. Although new and advanced tools are of great help where usability is concerned, a web designer should never forget why he or she is planning the website, for the ease of use and interaction of the users.

Although web designers can consider themselves as artists, there is a basic and fundamental difference between and design, as the latter is definitely subjected to more restraint. While an artist can consider a piece of art as an extension of his or her thoughts a web designer cannot say the same.

A designer needs to create an interactive, consistent and accessible design while an artist is not faced with these limits. An artist has no constraints as far as accessibility and consistency is concerned, art is an expression of mood and thought and is not worried of how the person viewing it will react. A web designer is both an artist and a scientific professional, as his or her art needs to be consistent and relevant.

Artists are allowed to work as they feel, without fixed standards and with no expectations guaranteed. Web designers are restricted in their design as they have to meet standards and expectations otherwise they will not succeed in their profession. Web designers are influenced by trends and are forced to follow certain market guidelines, as their expectations dictate their creations, while artist have no pre-determined goal in mind.

There is also a precise difference between aesthetics and design, as, although most web designs include aesthetics for the attractiveness, not all the designs can really be considered aesthetically pleasing, thus steering away from the artistic concept.

Some websites manage to blend in aesthetics with design very artfully, as the pages fulfill the expectations of the users and the design is attractive enough without being too garish and interfering with the users’ actions.

Aesthetics in terms of web design should be considered in reference to how attractive it is to the eye, and not purely for a sense of beauty, as this can be subjective.  An aesthetic web design needs to consider a balance between the artistic design and the functionality, as a good interaction and function is at the base of the Internet use.

When people go browsing on the Internet, they do so for a specific goal, this is why a good website needs to be aesthetically pleasing and functional. There needs to be a good balance in the layout, without excessive artistic vehemence, in order to render all the information accessible and the user-experience gratifying.

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