How to Assure Your Client that Your Design is The Best

Web Design | on Jun. 25, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Designers have to do the unpleasant task of leading their clients that their design is the best. You have already been accepted for the job. Now, you must convey to the client that your design satisfies their needs.  We must lead them along as we go through the process assuring them that we are serving their needs. Here are some tips that might help you to make your ‘journey’ with a client easier:

Explaining to the Client their Errors
The most important thing is to be confident about your work.  This will make things go easier and keep the client from disagreeing with you. Of course, this does not guarantee that you will have success. You need to ‘diplomatically’ make the client know that you are not their unconditional servant.

Your Past Projects
It is, sometimes, not enough to remind the client about your qualifications.  Sometimes, you need to bring up to the client what projects or elements of your past projects that have worked in their past.

It is their idea
Somewhat more difficult, is to make them think that it was their idea to keep the current design. Show them that this is the best design and reflects what they originally wanted.  This works in some cases. The key is making sure you ask a plethora of questions before you get too far in the process. You can say to them, ’remember you said _______?’

Don’t Put up Your Guard
Being too defensive can be counter-productive, Keep calm and have a professional demeanor.

Don’t Challenge Them
Don’t create a situation where it appears that you are calling their judgment into question. It has to appear that you are working for their best interest.

Talk Business, Not Style
Yes, design is important. But, if you seem stuck on design and not making theme money or how it helps their business to be more efficient, then you have lost them.

Never Be Dismissive
The client needs to feel that you are listening to their ideas. If they feel that they are being ignored then you will have a tough time when you want to get a resolution to some of the issues that they have.

Don’t Talk Down to Them
Don’t come across as you are superior to them. You do need to explain things and how it will help them with their goals.  Explain the why your certain tasks in a particular manner.

Consider A Different Perspective
Your clients may be interested in one thing—money. They are not in this for charity. They need to make a living too. Be creative and try to view these differences.
Contractual Clauses
Hopefully, you and your client signed a contract. It is not a prudent decision to start a project without a contract and most designers do prepare and sign a contract.  Make sure that you write a clause, which states that all design decisions are ultimately yours.

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