What Kind Of Blogger Are You?

Web Design | on Jun. 26, 2011 | by 0 Comments

There are millions of blogs in cyber space today.  The writing style in which they are written, can be categorized  into blogger stereo types.  When you read some of the types below, you may recognize the styles.  Maybe you recognize your writing style.  Do you know what kind of blogger you are?

Almost Perfect Blogger

Runs his blog, almost perfectly.  He follows the ideals of what blogging initially set out to do.  To share information with readers about a certain topic.  His mission is to supply interesting, important, and relevant information.  He writes his information in a way that allows the reader to form their own opinion with respect to his advice.   He has no hidden agenda, is not trying to make easy money or sway anyone’s opinion.  His readers can count on him to upgrade his blog regularly, with useful tips and strategies.   He is very anal about his blog and spends a lot time working on it.  He enjoys being useful to his readers.

Paris Hilton

In this blogger’s universe, they are the only one that matters and everything is all about them. They have no interest in providing anything useful to the reader.  In fact, they don’t really care if anyone reads it.  It is simply a means for them to write about whatever they feel like talking about.

Their topics are not even remotely enlightening and are mostly self-sacrificing.  Surprisingly, though, they do have an audience.  However, if the reader were asked why they read it, they probably would not have a definitive answer.  Similar to how people paid attention to Paris, for no reason.

The Content Thief

This blogger may be a good writer, but is lazy and not really interested in blogging,  They are only looking for notoriety and don’t want to actually work for it.  They search the internet looking for the latest story that they know will get a lot of searches.  Then they creep around the internet stealing content from other blogs.  Then they tweak it a bit and post it as if it were their own.

They can be successful with this for a little while.  But it is only a matter of time before people catch on.

Nancy Grace

This blogger has an opinion, wants to share it, and has no interest in whether or not the reader has one.  Once they get on a topic of interest to them, they rarely stop writing about it.  While their words are well-written, they do not feel the need to go into great detail about anything.   Persuading the reader to agree with their opinion is all that matters to them.

No topic is open for discussion or debate, ever.   After a while, the reader gets bored.  Unless, of course, they agree with every word.

The reasons why people blog are varied.  One has to wonder why some even bother, but it is a free internet.  Perhaps having an avenue to speak their mind, knowing that others may one day read it, is their way to feel connected.

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