Your Brand – Are You Utilizing Social Media Accounts?

Web Design | on Jun. 26, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Are you aware that everything you do online becomes part of your brand?  Your words and actions identify you, and become your online personality, if you will.  Utilizing social media accounts is a strong tool for branding, and its fun too.

Once you figure out your ideals and convictions, it’s time to start portraying them, using social media.  Keep in mind; you always have to monitor what you say. Don’t ever say anything that you might regret later.  If you are upset about something, make sure you have cooled down before you hit the keyboard.  If you have had too much drink, step away from the computer.  You don’t want to wake up and have a terrifying flashback.  Once something is said on the internet, it NEVER goes away.

If you are a freelancer, and I assume you are, you have to consider whether to use your actual name, or company name.  Which draws more attention, your name or the name of your company? Use your answer to this question to decide what to use for your social brand.

With either of these choices, consider how easy or difficult it will be to control what is said about you.  Of course, you can’t control everything, but try to control as much as you can.  If you use your name then monitor personal online activities that you partake in.   You don’t want to do anything personally that will affect your business persona.

If you are part of a group or company and will be linked to others via your brand, such as a logo, analyze who your fellow members are.  If you are co-branded with others and they have a poor error in judgment, it will have a negative impact on you.  Keep this in mind.

There are many social media sites.  The most popular for online business is Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  So, of course, it is good idea to become members of these.  There are others that may be of interest to you, depending on your type of business.  You can also look into Stumble Upon, MySpace and Delicious.  The trick to success with branding on multiple social media sites is consistency.

There are millions of people doing business online.  Consistency is the only way for you to drill your brand into people’s minds.  To do this, you have to keep your information, status, contact information and photograph the same.  Some people even try to match up their background color with their website, as an extra identifier.

To keep consistency is a little tricky because of the different atmosphere of the main sites.  Facebook is the social club, Twitter is the office and LinkedIn is the stuffed shirt.  Your status needs to be acceptable to each audience.  This is a situation where you want to fit in and become popular.

Doing all this, may seem like work, but cheer up, you only have to set your profiles up once.  After that, maintaining them is quick and easy.  Always keep in mind your target market. You want to connect with the right people, those who are looking for your products or services.

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