WordPress and Microsoft expression

WordPress | on Apr. 05, 2011 | by 0 Comments

WordPress, being free and open source blogging software is a great platform on which to build your blog. This is especially true if you need flexibility and versatility without compromising on uniqueness of your blog. WordPress has great features that enable you to customize your blog and give it extra functionality in order to suit your blog’s needs perfectly. However, there are times when you may need to combine WordPress with other software in order to come up with exactly what you need to run your blog. One of the software that can be integrated with WordPress is Microsoft Expression. This is software that allows the users to easily create web pages for their websites or blogs. One of its characteristics just like WordPress is the fact that it is extremely easy to use meaning that even users with no prior experience are able to use it with relative ease. With the above features of both Microsoft Expression and WordPress, just how exactly do you integrate the two softwares to give you exactly what you want? Below are the steps you can take in order to be able to use both software to your advantage.

The first step is obviously to set up an account with WordPress. You do this by downloading the latest version of WordPress from their site. Downloading is easy as you just have to follow instructions at the downloading site and download it just like any other software. This should be followed by installing the software on your server or local computer.

After installation you need to log on to the dashboard of WordPress and create four pages which are ‘Home’, ‘Blog’, ‘About’, and ‘Contact’ pages. After that, you need to navigate away from the dashboard to the blog to create two categories and five pages. WordPress will give you a wide variety of themes that you can choose from to create your blog. However, when choosing a theme, you do not have to worry too much about it being perfect as you will be able to customize it later using Microsoft expression. However, you should ensure that the theme you choose is close to what you would want.

Once you are through with these steps, it is time to include Microsoft Expression. If you do not have it, you can purchase it from Microsoft stores. When you access this software, proceed to open it and use it to create a new blog. Save the blog you have just created in the root folder where you downloaded WordPress files. At this juncture, you need to remove any CSS on the Microsoft Expression page and to ensure that the page is blank.

The next step is to open the WordPress blog you had created earlier and right click on it to view source. Copy all the source content and paste it onto the blank Microsoft Expression page then save it as test on the root folder. Delete the lines showing the address of where the theme code is stored and insert new theme on the hard drive. The result should be href=”wp-content/themes/themename” which enables you to edit your WordPress blog through Expression.

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