How to Improve the Quality of Your Website’s Content to Achieve High Ranking

Articles, Concept, Guide, Tips | on Sep. 23, 2011 | by 0 Comments

The Internet now offers a very sophisticated system of browsing options with the latest Google Panda Updated having given a hard blow to all those who enjoy spinning, and farming original content to reap financial benefits and ranking.

Not only does Google recognize copied material ranking it low on the search pages, it also recognizes bad quality content on websites. If your website happens to have low-quality material and articles, this can really damage your website, and your domain. However, you can mend these issues if you either move them or remove them completely from the website.

The advice for web developers is to work on the quality of the website’s content as a priority, as this is the key for a successful website. There are various tools Google Panda uses to check for low quality sites, as most users looking for useful information, do not want to end up browsing through incomprehensible and poor quality pages. In addition copied work can easily be detected, this means that a user may stumble upon the same article more than once.

The best course to take is to go back to your website and check to see whether your website suffers from poor quality content, if so, do something immediately.

But what does Google consider high quality content? This is not an easy answer as the browser is not prepared to reveal how the algorithms are set, as they fear people will try to manipulate these and avoid bad ranking. However, there are a few set of rules you can abide to, in order create quality content for your website.

If you already have content on a website, the best way to check the standards is to verify your analytics. Google bases its research on data, such as click throughs, tool bar data, traffic, and search logs amongst others. So if you analyze this data you will be able to determine where the problem area lies. By checking out your bounce rates, and determining which of the pages are causing the problem, you can effectively reduce the user bounce rate.

You may have to improve only those pages that are not performing as they may be simply outdated. You can, if you wish improve the quality of an article by having it re-written or remove it completely if it cannot be saved.

If you are wondering what Google considers high quality content, it is as simple as any English rule dictated to students preparing a quality essay. Research your information and provide well-reported and well-structured content, which will provide useful and original material.

Keep in mind that the content on your pages need to be well-written to, devoid of grammar errors and spelling mistakes. Never copy from another website. When writing about the same topic as someone else, try and add more value to your article, providing a unique piece of information that others cannot provide, or even a personal insight that cannot be repeated.

Make sure you do not have too many ads and banners, or that the ratio between the ads and content leans more on the content than the ads. If you do not have much content on your website make sure you are careful with too much advertising.



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