Some Useful Tips for Keyword Optimization

Articles, Concept, Guide, Tips | on Sep. 23, 2011 | by 0 Comments

When, as a user you start searching the web, the first issue you have to deal with is writing down relevant keywords in the search field, if you want to find information on a chosen service or product. Everyone knows that a key word gives a brief description of the topic you are interested in and which will hopefully lead you to what you are searching for.

If you are creating a website or a blog your keywords should help users arrive to your website, this will also help you get a good search ranking and drive traffic towards the website. You should pay extra attention to the keywords you use in your website or blog, for these will determine whether users find your website or the information they are interested in.

You need to dedicate quite a lot of time in researching the best keywords to use in your pages, headers and other elements in your website. The first step is to find your main keyword. Although you may find this pretty obvious, others do not find it easy to identify their website with one particular keyword. This main keyword is essential, for if you manage to rate amongst the top for keyword relevancy you will be driving a lot of traffic to your website.

Now that you have determined you main keyword you have to embed it throughout the website. Have you considered that other websites may be using the same keywords? While this is true, you can circumvent the problem by using synonyms as the first word. You can look for effective synonyms by browsing the Internet and doing some research on keyword analysis.

Keywords are the core of search engine optimization and you should be trying to place these in much of your content material. You can use the keyword in an article a few times throughout the content, to help you rank higher when the search engine spiders go through your page. The keywords need to be present to prove that the article is relevant to your keywords.

Now the problem often arises when speculating on the keyword density issue. How many times should keywords appear throughout the article? Someone who is new with web content may logically assume that the more keywords they add in the content the better ranking they will get. However, there are other considerations to take into account.

Overstuffing content with the same keywords will actually do you damage. Search engines also consider the quality of the content, which will be lacking if you do not make the content flow logically. Although there are divergent opinions, the fact remains that your main keyword should be present over about 3% to 5% of the content. More will disrupt the quality and less will not provide enough keywords for search engines.

You can test this theory by varying the density of your content and finding out which works best. However, you will probably find that the above-mentioned percentages have been well tested by SEO specialists.



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