The Importance of Color in Web Designing

Articles, Concept, Guide, Tips, Web Design | on Aug. 26, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Most web designers will agree that color plays a fundamental role in the designing of websites and the enhancing of design. Colors can be investigated further and help web designers to process their designs in more depth to achieve the desired results. There are quite a few factors that can help attain an effective use with color and achieve really effective web pages.

Colors will contribute in achieving the following reactions and behavior for users of the web: help focus their attention, provide emotion, effectively convey content, subliminal suggestion, a diversified view and contribute as an element of accessibility.

The right colors will help web designers provide users with certain emotional impacts. Colors not only have an impact on or vies, they also provide other, stronger stimulations. Colors can affect the readers’ moods and provide sensations, such as the color red will stimulate and that blue has a calming effect. Each color triggers off a certain reaction and can be used to create certain effects on a web page.

Web designers can steer users’ behavior with the use of colors. Colors can evoke users’ responses to different elements on the web page, and suggesting certain actions. You can actually help guide users through the web pages of a website, using color and other elements. This is done by using certain applications that will guide users through the actions you wish them to take.

On a web page, the main focus is to guide readers towards the content, this is why it should be made as rich and as attractive as possible, in order for the reader to stay there longer. You cannot control a reader’s attention, but you can provide a focal point by using a subliminal element. This is achieved with the right use of color.

To attract the readers’ attention to a specific area of a web page you can use richer colors in areas where you wish to attract attention, and leave other less important areas in pastel colored text or background. You can use colors in gradients by progressively diminishing their intensity to create an attention span the reader should be following.

Color plays an important role in the way information is conveyed. White pages and black texts have been used for centuries now; however, studies have proved that black text on white background is actually not the ideal subjective choice for readers. Studies have demonstrated that using yellow-hued background with a low-brilliance text are the best supports for screen reading.

Web designers should be able to step back from their designing world and try to visualize how readers will be browsing through the text and content. Web designers are used to working with color effects and tricolor screens and views, that it can sometimes be difficult to look at a screen objectively.

More subtle colors may attract readers and have them actually read the content and stay on the website for longer, as the colors make for more comfortable reading, so it is important to remember these issues when designing the content for your website.



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