How to Make Your Freelance Schedule More Flexible

Articles, Concept, Guide, Tips, Web Design | on Aug. 26, 2011 | by 0 Comments

For a freelancer, being able to manage time is both a great benefit and also a fundamental aspect of his or her work. You can afford to be flexible when you are the boss of your own work schedule and can decide to work the hours you wish. However, it is important to realize that whatever time span you may decide on, you are still responsible for any commitment you have taken with your clients.
This is why it is important to clearly define your working hours with your time off; making sure you can meet the working requirements.

Before you even start, you have to plan your time schedule properly. Try and determine how much time you need to dedicate to your family as well as other crucial aspects of everyday life. You must not let professional work get mixed up with personal commitments. Write these commitments down on paper, in order to determine how much time you can truly dedicate your work. Now that you have your actual working hours down on paper you can visualize the time you can spend on actual work. You can also determine when to be more flexible during your working hours, as your family may tend to think, that as you are at home you are available at all times.
It is essential you get these times planned out for you and the members of your family. Sort out which hours you will be working in and how flexible these can be.

By clearly determining your freelance schedule, this will allow you certain flexibility. While it is true that freelancers can decide when they wish to work, this can also damage their work. It is essential you clearly plan a working schedule and stick to it, or else you will find that you are always running late and cannot seem to get anything done, neither at work nor at home.
A pre-defined schedule will help you to get your work done and also make it easier, especially if you are at home doing your work. Clients will also take your more seriously if you have a well-defined schedule. You can send your emails at specific times and also answer during a certain lapse of time; this will allow your clients to determine when you are actually working and when they can contact you. You can also create your own working hours and avoid having to answer to emails during those hours so that you are not distracted from your work. You should really work on establishing limits with both your clients and your family. People should know when you are available and when you are not.

You are the one, who determines the schedule, and not only should you make it clear but this should be clear to you too. If you make any changes, you are responsible for these and must keep to your promises and deadlines. Working schedules should be made and kept to, or you cannot possibly keep your work organized.



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