What you need to do to have good wordpress reviews

WordPress | on Apr. 02, 2011 | by 0 Comments

WordPress blogs and websites are eligible for reviews. Reviews are important to both the creators and users and they should play their part accordingly. As the site creator, you need to know what to emphasis on to get positive reviews from the site users. Users will always post positive reviews if the site meets some of the elements they consider. Users are constantly looking for sites that they can get information from fast enough. These are sites that have fast loading speeds. If your site does not meet this criteria, then the chances of getting positive reviews is just an illusion. This is because most users are sensitive to the loading speeds that any other aspect.

The overall presentation of your site is another factor that determines the kind of reviews your will get from your users. A good looking and appealing site will always have positive reviews. Colour and graphics are the major determinants in this case. Your site should have a good colour theme and good colour matching to meet the criteria users are looking for. Ensure that the background colour and the text colour complement each other to enhance readability. If for example you have a dark coloured background, then the text of your content should have brighter colour and if you have a bright background, your text colour should be dark. Good readability will ensure better reviews.
The structure and design of your wordpress site should be one that is appreciable to the users. Tables, frames, content and the sidebars should be logically arranged; such that they enhance better usage of the site.

The side bar, header and the footer should not be very close to the content. Enough space should be left between these components and the content part. At the same time, ensure the menu components are located where the users expect them to be. Users are used to menu being either on the top of the site or to the left hand side of the site. Having the menu on any other part other than these two places will make it hard for your users to locate key components. Such a scenario is likely to get you negative reviews.

Always ensure the size of the font is large enough to be read by all people. Small font is likely to present reading difficulties to especially people with eye problems. Text font should be large enough to be read by all people regardless of whether they have eye problems or not. Do not use calligraphic texts unless it is very necessary for example in sites that involve love or other related content. If it is not necessary to use such texts, do not use them. Use wordpress templates, plugins and tags to better the site functionality. It is important to ensure that your site can be accessed from all browsers available in the market.
If you get negative feedbacks, work on the site to make it better in future, after all, the comments and reviews are based on what you have done. You can change your strategies and make the site much better. If you have positive reviews, work hard to maintain the good site. You can also include other approaches that can make the site even better.

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