WordPress Theme development tools

WordPress | on Apr. 13, 2011 | by 0 Comments

WordPress themes are some of the most diverse themes you can ever come across. They are arguably the greatest feature of WordPress that makes WordPress what it is; a diverse, simple, flexible and versatile open source platform for web development. Of course if you are familiar with WordPress, you are also home with the fact that there is no shortage of free WordPress themes on the internet. These themes are downloadable at your own convenience and you can easily use them to create the unique website that you would want.

However, when it comes to uniqueness, a small problem arises in the fact that with WordPress themes being made to be compatible with most of the internet users, how unique can WordPress themes really get. The answer to this question is that you may not find the exact unique theme that you are looking for and if you do, it may not be as unique as you would want it to be. No need to despair though because that is what theme development tools are there for. With theme development tools, you can customize your choice them to make it look just the way you want it to. Here are some of the tools you can utilize to customize your theme to your liking.

A Local Server is the first requirement. Customizing is best bone on your personal computer where you can turn into a local server and then create a virtual web server such as Apache or PHP. This can be accomplished by installing WordPress on your personal computer. You do not need to install the server separately.

Tool number two though it may seem very obvious is WordPress itself. For effective customization of your theme, you will need to have the latest version of WordPress downloaded and installed on your local test server where you will test your theme.

Dummy content is the third tool. Of course you cannot be able to test a theme without content and that is why you will need to have some dummy content. Dummy content is available from your WordPress platform and you can access it by navigating to Tools>import and then choosing the WordPress option from the list of WXR post data file that appears. From here you can choose between WPCandy sample Content, Sandbox Dummy Content and The Theme Development Checklist test data.

A browser is another tool that is important in customizing your website. Most browsers will be compatible for WordPress development that the most recommended browser is Mozilla Firefox. This is because of its add-ons, its Web Developer toolbar that allows a range of code inspecting and debugging options and Firebug which scrutinizes all your theme elements.

Text editor is an important tool in editing your text and content. There are some developers who will opt for special software to edit graphics but Notepad will do just fine for text editing on Windows. Last but not least is PHP which is used to customize themes. It is also contained in WordPress default themes and hence is appropriate.

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