Historiography and the Fundamental Role it has on the Internet

Web Design | on Jul. 17, 2011 | by 0 Comments

As the Internet is a fast-evolving technology, most of us often forget that it already has a rich digital history and that by using past data we can improve the use of web development considerably and leave a more tangible wealth for the coming generations and users of the Internet.

History is important as it is through time that achievements have been made and by analyzing past work we can improve how we perceive web content. By passing on and recording all important data we can preserve our digital knowledge and avoid that it disappears along with a fundamental source of help.

Websites go through constant re-designing and renovation and it is important to value even the past content as it is an essential source of information for future web development and improvement. We tend to think that if a website and content do not come up when searching on the Internet then this content is no longer relevant or no longer there. Unfortunately, the web simply erases all unusable content and there is no library where this can be stored in, for there is not enough request by users or copyright laws simply do not allow the conservation of content.

However, there are some excellent digital archives such as Wikipedia, Google and Internet Active, which do safeguard fundamental web content from being lost or redundant. Unfortunately, there are other schemes that are being closed down and as these disappear they cause a great cultural damage to the web’s wealth of data. Other important bookmarking services are also in jeopardy of extinction and this could also lead to a loss of important user bookmarks.

All the gathered data that relates to passed web content and users, helps educate those who come after us in improving the web development, and should be kept and preserved as a library for the modern world of digital technology.

With the enormous amount of web content that can be found on the Internet, it has become more and more difficult to find quality information. Blogs are a very good source of web data as they provide direct and useful bits of information, which clearly reflect our present day and needs. Although businesses know how important a website is for branding their company’s name and increasing sales, it is surprising how many are neglected with many broken links, which makes browsing through the Internet difficult offering poor quality for web users. More effort should be needed to improve websites with quality content so that they can serve as a valid archive for future web users and developers.

Our society is unluckily orientated on information that is not a valid source for long term use; this means that there is no real interaction to provide the continuation of content on the web. There is not much left of the content created in the late 90s to relate back to and this tendency has paved the way for the lack of maintenance in today’s web world. Although web designers spend hours working on sophisticated websites, there is nothing to support these creations once they are online, which makes all previous work redundant.

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