Marketing Teams versus Creative Teams

Web Design | on Jul. 10, 2011 | by 0 Comments

When it comes to marketing, the practice is relatively new in the sense of broad media and mass marketing through various sources. This is a job that requires constant evolution in order to keep up with all of the new technology and consumer products that are available. There are very few people who are great at the marketing game. This is why there are so few viral marketing campaigns that take off and do well. However, the ones who excel in the field are extremely intelligent and are able to create something that is effective and popular.

Creative Side

When it comes to the creative side of a marketing team, a conflict of interest will typically arise. While the marketing side of a project may take a lot of time coming up with the campaign, the creative team is the one who has to make it work. If you work on the creative side of things, chances are you have had to work long hours to finish a project because the marketing team has taken up the whole time allotted to work on an initiative.

Many people who work in marketing tend to think that they make the rules and the creative team must report to them. Typically, this is not the case. For most companies there is one person that is in charge of the project that both the creative team and the marketing team will report to for approval.

Making it Work

When it comes to being on the creative aspect of any campaign, you have to sometimes reign in your imagination and think about what the consumer wants. While this may seem like you are selling yourself short, if you want to work in the industry it has to happen.

If you have a client that asks you to redesign a campaign for them and the work they give you looks like it is from the fifties, chances are they want a change, but not a drastic one. You may think that their catalog is way outdated and want to change it to a more modern feel. However, the company may feel that the changes you make are too drastic and you will end up losing the job.

When it comes to creativity, you may know what will work and what should be done, but at the end of the day it is the customer who decides. You need to make sure that the client is on board with what you are planning. Working around the needs of the customer, while letting your creative juices flow is the best way to be successful in the business.

Lose the Office Politics
Working for a large company comes with some pros and cons. The one con is the office politics that you will have to work around. When it comes to the marketing team, chances are there are going to be disagreements about what you think should happen with a campaign and what the marketing team wants. The best way to handle these situations is to avoid conflict with the team by discussing the issue directly with the project manager and letting them decide what needs to be done.


It is important to remember that when you are working within a group, people will try to get what they want anyway they can. Make sure you let your voice be heard. Make a list of coherent responses to use for arguing your case when someone is trying to make an attack against you. Learn corporate speak and use it to your advantage.

If you calmly deal with situations that are thrown at you and do your job well, you will succeed in the creativity department of any corporation.

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