Categories as navigation aids on WordPress

WordPress | on Apr. 11, 2011 | by 0 Comments

There are many aspect of a website that appeal to the end user and they all interact to make the end product worth the customer’s visit. Organization of the content plays a big role on this note. The organization of your site is the first thing a visitor notices when they log on to your site and it is bound to give the first impression of your site. Poor organization can reflect poorly on you as a web designer and developer so you have to ensure that your site is as organized as possible.

Categories are one of the time tested ways of organizing your WordPress blog. They are the most popular mode of organizing information and posts. They enable the reader to keep track of the content that they are interested in and they are definitely popular among WordPress bloggers. They are also good for navigation purposes of the site.

Many a times; people confuse the difference between categories and tags. Perhaps it is beneficial to detail the differences between tags and categories. Categories are much broader than tags and they signify a distinct group of things that you are writing or posting about; things that are not related. Tags on the other hand describe the various attributes of the things in one category that make them distinct from each other. A good example would be to use widgets. Widgets can be a category on its own under which there can be some tags. The tags for example would relate to color such that you will have tags on red widgets, green widgets and so on.

Knowledge of the differences between categories and tags is very vital when organizing your blog. This makes sure that the information is organized correctly and the end user does not have a hard time searching for information. By use of categories, you can organize information into larger groups. Correct knowledge of categories will ensure you do not have too many categories in a blog which the customer would find tedious to look through for what they want. An easier way is to have several categories such that the client is able to choose the category they want at a glance.

Below the categories you can group the information into smaller groups by the use of tags. Tags will describe in greater detail the category that has been searched for using various attributes. This narrows down the information the customer is searching for further. It also ensures that the customer is able to search for a piece of information systematically until they find it. It also ensures that the customer is navigating through the right information and thus will not get frustrated.

Categories can work wonders for you in your blog. Aside from being user friendly, they are also search engine friendly and they enable search engines to view and index your pages faster. With categories, not only will you get new traffic from search engines but you will also maintain your old traffic due to the ease of navigation on your site.

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