Designing your wordpress headings

WordPress | on Apr. 07, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Your wordpress blog or site requires a title or a heading for the users to know what they are reading. Some webmasters especially the newbies are not able to distinguish the headings from headers. Headings are the titles for the content you have written and can be put on the headers or otherwise. On the other hand, a header is the top most part of the webpage and forms a margin like part of the webpage. There are several types of headings that differ in the size of the font and text depending on the HTML tag put. There are four main heading HTML codes; H1, H2, H3 and H4.

H1 headings are used for the title of a site or blog found on the header. You can custom the heading the way you would like to change it. Depending on your preference, you can use either text or image as your heading. Images are much better because they are more appealing and easy to custom and move. If you have used an image and you would like to align it according to your preference, you only need to add margins around the image. You can use pixels instead of points because it is easy to custom the image using the pixels.

H2 headings are for the posts, sidebar and comments. Since these components can be placed anywhere within the webpage, H2 headings can be anywhere in the site because they accompany the either the posts, sidebar or comments tabs. You can change the preferences of the site according to your preferences using the CSS. CSS allows you to change the font, colours and other aspects of the heading.

H3 heading is for the comments but can be replaced by the H2 headings depending on the preference of the webmaster. H4 and H5 headings can also be used where the H3 headings are used. These three types of headers are used mostly by webmasters who are used to writing wrong posts that have several subjects or sub titles. You can use H3, H4 or H5 headings to change from one sub topic to another or to differentiate different subjects within the post. You can make these headings look better by using the CSS. CSS allows you to manipulate these headings according to your preferences.

You can even add images to replace the headings or you can use the two; headings and images together. Text font, colour and other aspects of the heading for example graphics and styles can be changes using the CSS. You can divide the heading into two parts or more where you will have one part for the heading text and the other part for the image. Padding can be added depending on the specifications you have put on the headings part of the wordpress site or blog. Images can also be added as background images to the heading. You should ensure that the background image appears well and does not compromise the appearance of the heading. Using appropriate pixels and CSS, you can make the headings look much better.

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