How to Conquer the Creative Block

Articles, Concept, Guide, Tips, Web Design | on Aug. 25, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Which web designer has not experienced a creative block at one time or another? Probably all web designers have. However, it is true that the newer generations having the advantage of fresh inspiration and a mind which is free of clutter, no doubt suffer less from this creative block, than the more professional web designers that have been in the industry for years.

The more experienced web designers suddenly find themselves at one point of their career, where they are faced with one big question. Why have I not produced the masterpiece of my career yet? They are probably satisfied with their work, but are looking for something more, and not only are they not able to produce really creative work, they no longer have the inspiration they used to.

In order to fight this stagnant phase in your career, there are several simple steps you can take, which will help you get rid of your creative block and get going again.

Your imagination is still there, you just have to use it. This may seem pretty obvious, but it is surprising how many web designers actually forget they do have a great imagination. Being an adult does not mean you lack in imagination. Stimulate your imagination by letting your mind wander freely and allow the clutter that you have accumulated in your brain to dissipate.

Try and look at issues from a different angle or perspective. You will be amazed at how powerful your mind really is, if you let it run free beyond the schemas you have constructed during your career.

Keeping your ideas noted every time they come into you head is a good way to fight the creative block. Write any idea down, even the smallest, be it design ideas, topics or any similar issues that may come into your mind, in order to log them and have them as future reference. It is important to note them down somewhere or else you are likely to forget them. By keeping your ideas catalogued, this will stimulate productivity, as when you go back and look at the ideas you have noted, this will trigger off the development of these ideas on a larger scale.

If you note your ideas down this will allow you to give your ideas a definite structure, and will take you back to your younger days, when paper and pencil were the prime utensils, and you were less addicted to the computer technologies.

Focus on having fun while creating, and try and get pleasure from what you are designing, without thinking that you have to please others. Crayons and colored pencils can be a very good source of inspiration, as they are tangible objects you can dominate and move at your whim. Different colors also allow you to feel particular emotions, so using paper rather than a computer can really help stimulate new and creative ideas. The beauty of paper and crayons is that you can get your ideas down in minutes, without having to worry about which tool to use as you would on your Photoshop or Illustrator software.



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