What Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Logos

Articles, Concept, Guide, Tips, Web Design | on Aug. 26, 2011 | by 0 Comments

Unfortunately, in today’s world logo designs are being underrated, as most people do not realize just how fundamental a logo is and how it can contribute to the success of a company. The following are some tips on mistakes you should avoid when dealing with logos, if you want your business to develop into a successful enterprise.

To realize how important a logo really is, it is essential we understand what a logo really is and what role it has in a business. A logo allows people to recognize a company immediately; this is why it should inspire trust, allegiance and respect, as well as permeating a certain aura of superiority over its competitors.

A logo is the identity of a company and one of the features of a commercial brand. This is why it should be unique in color, images and shapes and stand out from the other logos of other brands. A logo should inspire immediate recognition of a company or other associations and entities.

If you are a company looking for a logo that will really put your company in the spotlight, then avoid issuing logo contests. Although you may think that this is a way to save money, as there will be various web designers competing, the quality of this kind of work will not be good enough for a good representation of your company.

The money you will be putting in for this deal, will be lost in the long term, as the logos created with this method will do no good for the promotion of your business, and could also damage your company’s reputation.

All web designers that participate in contests and create work without guaranteed payment are simply damaging the industry. A web designer should not spend his or her time creating designs without being sure there is a financial compensation once they have finished.

Another issue with logo designs is the unbelievable cheap prices you can find some of the designs for. Steer away from these bargains, as the quality is very poor. If web designers can offer such low prices, this means the quality can only be very poor. Creating a logo design for a company can often take weeks, as web designers have to follow a strict process while creating a log. If you can get a logo in 24 hours, then there is something very wrong about the process.

You may also end up with a logo that has been stolen from stock websites. Now can you imagine how many people download stock images every day? Using this system to create a logo for your company is the biggest mistake you could make. You may also run the risk of people taking your logo and using it for other purposed, which could damage your business image. It is essential that your logo is original.

Some business owners actually design their logos themselves. This is also a mistake, as this kind of work needs to be processed by a professional. There are also plenty of free online logo creators, which look very unprofessional and here again your logo could end up on hundreds of different websites.



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